Why Travel?

Tranquil Travel Destinations

Why Travel?

     So I decided to get into this blog portion of my website in order to reach out to my clients in a personal way. I want to explain why I decided on selling travel, and not some wellness product. So here goes……..

     I asked people “What holds you back from the things you want most in life?” My answers were almost the same from my friends and family….themselves!

     Why let yourself hold you back from things you want most, instead, fight for yourself and make things happen. I have always been goal driven. I set myself to do something and I fight to achieve it. There was a time in my life that I gave up, but I quickly figured out that I was letting my life pass me by and I had to wake up.

     In 6th grade I can remember on the first day of school, the teacher had us introduce ourselves and he asked who our parents were. I was raised by my grandmother because my mom was 16 when she had me. I remember giving him my parents name, and he said, “Oh I know your parents, you’re going to amount to nothing just like them.”

     That statement was my driving force to be something! I was determined to succeed!

     I have always wanted to see the World. I want to travel, and write about my experiences. Being a mom, has kept me from doing that at this time in my life, but it is a goal that I will reach.

     When I came across my friend Stephanie’s post of her travels, I was so inspired. She was seeing things I wish I could. She reached out to me and asked me what I thought about being a travel agent. At first I explained that I can’t sell products, I did It Works once, and it was ok for a bit, but it wasn’t for me.

     Then she explained how I’m not selling travel, I’m booking vacations. People will always go on vacations, all I do is help them find what they are looking for and book it. I can become educated in places I’ve always wanted to see, and I can get my own travel perks as well. I thought, “Wow, Steph, you are a great salesperson, I am not!”

     She had confidence in me, she told me how all the places I wanted to go, were at the tip of my fingers, I just had to get out there and do it. She was so right in so many ways.

     I don’t like having home parties. I don’t like selling a product. I love helping people, and I love learning about places I’ve never been before, so what better way then to become a Travel Agent.

     Maybe people think I’m crazy, or they think my business is just some stupid thing that isn’t going to go anywhere. Maybe they think this is just something that I’m doing because I think its going to make me rich and I will flop. However, I have quickly learned that online businesses are the way to go in this time, and I am destined to do great things and determined to succeed. My sister has been working from home for 10 years, she has been successful in creating her own company and has explained to me that it’s not easy like most think, but its worth it.

     The other night at a softball game, I was chatting with one of the moms who I have chatted with for several years now at these games, and never once did I ask what she did for work. The other day I asked, and she too works from home, and makes a nice amount of money. She explained that she started and gave it 6 months, but it has now been several years and she was glad she started.

     So here I am learning how to grow my business, how to reach my goals and dreams, all because I decided to take a chance on myself and not let myself hold me back from reaching the things I want in life.

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