Tranquil Travel Destinations

meet your agent

My journey to owning my own business

     Hello, my name is Tiffany. I want to share a little bit about myself, and why I became a travel agent. At a young age I wanted to see the World. I grew up in a small town in one of the smallest states. I was always interested in other cultures and other places. My family and I were frequent Disney vacationers, and Epcot was one of my favorite places because I felt like I saw the World in one place.

     As I got older I became a mom, a wife and started a dream to be a nurse. I am a school bus diver during the day, and in-between I go to school. I wasn’t making enough money to take my kids on the vacations I wanted, and I was struggling. When I was 29 I set out on a mission to start making memories my children could share with their children someday. I wanted to start showing them the world, but I was still unsure how to.

     Being from New England, I took them to the areas that we could drive to, even if it was a day trip. I wanted more. When I was 34, I became a widow and stopped going to school and took on two jobs. Seeing the World was out of my reach. I began to realize how precious life was, and how quickly it can all be taken from you. At 35 I set a goal to see Italy before I was 40, and to take my kids on vacations.

     In Feb of this year, I turned 39 and I was heartbroken that two of my children were moved out and grown and still have yet to go to Disney like I did as a kid, not that Disney is the World, but it was a place I always wanted to take them. So, here I am, still not living life, but letting life pass me by. I decided I need to fix this, and came across a friend who was a travel agent. I decided I needed to do what she does; I want to take those trips, see the world, and enjoy my family while I still can.

     Becoming an agent has opened up so many doors for me and has given me the chance to do a job that I don’t have to hate Monday’s, and I don’t have to be stressed about a boss, or co-worker. I can help people plan vacations and help them create memories to last a lifetime, all while providing my own family to amazing opportunities for our own memories.

     So, welcome to my site, and I am so glad to be your agent and look forward to helping to create all your memories because life is too short.


Disney Specialist

Universal Studios Resorts Specialist

AMResorts Master Agent

Discover Dominica Specialist

Princess Cruise Specialist

Hilton Hotel Specialist

Belize Specialist

Bahamas Specialist

ST. Maarten Specialist

Jamaica Travel Specialist

Marriott Hotel Specialist

Kingston Hotel Specialist

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